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Given two keyframes for an object transformation, first keyframe contains a triangle and the second keyframe contains a quadrilateral. Convert the triangle into the quadrilateral by equalizing ver...

The given question is: Given two keyframes for an object transformation, the first keyframe contains a triangle and the second keyframe contains a quadrilateral. Convert the triangle into the quadrilateral by equalizing vertex counts.

Let us answer this question step-by-step. First of all, let us see what keyframes are.

Keyframes are specific frames in an animation timeline where the animator sets the critical positions, poses, or states of an object. They serve as the main checkpoints that define the motion or transformation of the animated subject.

The purpose of keyframes is to establish the primary structure of the animation. They provide a framework for the software to interpolate the in-between frames, creating a smooth transition from one keyframe to another.

Now, we have been given two keyframes - one of a triangle and the other of a quadrilateral. The two keyframes can be drawn as follows:

Now, we know that a triangle has three vertices and a square has four vertices. To equalize both the keyframes, they must have the same number of vertices. Hence, we must add one more vertex to the triangle to equalize the keyframes.

As we can see that we have successfully converted the triangle to a quadrilateral by equalizing vertex counts.

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